Good light is key to achieving my signature light and airy style.

What do I mean by good light?

Natural light.
An abundance of it. Yes, I can bring artificial light in the form of flashes, LEDs and so on, but they will never match the beauty of natural light. Natural light is the most flattering source of light and nothing can replicate it. 

Light is key

For this reason, you will find me turning indoor lights off and drawing curtains/blinds. Sometimes indoor lights are orange in tone and this will create a conflict with the natural light. Part of you will look orange and the other part blue. If your indoor lights are white, I might keep them on.

I draw curtains to let as much indoor light in as possible. Natural light is present even when it's cloudy or rainy, so there is no need to worry about weather. It helps to keep windows clear of clutter or hanging objects. 

If you have floor-length windows - all the better. If your floor-length windows lead to a balcony, you may wish to clear any clutter on the balcony if you wish, so they cannot be seen when curtains are drawn.

My light and airy style truly shines with the color white. If prepping at home, for best results, choose a room with white walls and lots of natural light.

Clear the room of clutter, especially bright colored clutter: bright green, blue, red, and so on.

House plants are welcome. 

The Color White

Venues are the most important decision you can make when it comes to wedding photography. Certain venues work better than others.

For best results, choose a venue with:
- mostly white walls and buildings
- large windows to let in natural light (or sunset and night views if it's a dinner)
- beautiful outdoor spaces

I love and recommend these venues: 
- Raffles Hotel (beautiful architecture)
- 1-Atico (panoramic city views, glasshouse)
- Monti (panoramic river views, glasshouse)
- Chijmes (beautiful architecture) 
- Clifford Pier (beautiful architecture, glasshouse)
- Sky Garden Sentosa (panoramic sea views, glasshouse, pet-friendly, fireworks at night)

If there is an option to do an outdoor ceremony, go for it. Provide white paper fans for guests. It will be warm but the photos will be worth it.

Choosing a Venue

1-Atico at sunset

I am available for any questions via Whatsapp, DM or email. Send me questions about lighting, outfit choices, and venue styling. Like you, I want to make sure your wedding photographs are the best they can be.
